Advanced Eligibility & Benefits Verification

Verification of benefits, abbreviated as VOB, constitutes the inaugural phase in claims and revenue cycle management, ensuring precise remuneration from insurance companies. Withal, with the burgeoning influx of new addiction and mental health treatment providers, insurance entities are increasingly limiting claim disbursements, rendering the VOB process more intricate.

As insurance providers incorporate additional criteria into their benefit plans, the administrative intricacies inherent in VOB can burgeon into cumbersome tasks. Reveloop endeavors to confront this challenge directly by collaborating closely with clients to validate eligibility and optimize reimbursements. Our VOB process encompasses meticulous verification of:-

Client Information

Coverage and Type of Plan

Status of Individual Policies

Copays and Deductibles


Payable Benefits

Details of Coverage


Lifetime Maximums

VOB in Medical Billing

Interactions with numerous insurance companies become inevitable as your behavioral healthcare enterprise expands and encompasses a broader clientele . Prolonged verification hold times can disrupt your billing cycle, impacting the quality of care your personnel extend to clients. An incorrectly executed VOB poses the risk of a patient being under your care without accurate benefits, resulting in no financial compensation for the facility, given the typical week-long billing cycle delay.

In essence, insurance verification for incoming clients is an integral facet of the revenue cycle management process, instrumental in curbing unforeseen complications, ensuring accurate billing, bolstering cash flow, and refining the patient experience.


Instead of adhering to a standard or generic approach, each individual insurance policy undergoes meticulous scrutiny to ensure no claims remain unpaid, and no services face wrongful denial due to inaccuracies or omissions in policy data.


Expert handling of communication with insurance companies ensures that all essential information is conveyed with precision, and any issues or concerns are promptly and efficiently resolved.


By acquiring detailed and precise information concerning each client's specific healthcare needs, insurance companies can guarantee the provision of appropriate benefits and coverage, steering clear of denials, confusion, or frustration stemming from inaccurate or incomplete data.


VOBs serve as compelling evidence for payment appeals when an insurance company denies coverage for a claim, even when the services rendered are medically necessary and fall within the purview of the patient's insurance coverage.

Our Verification of Benefits Process

Reveloop acquires patient information and schedules from addiction treatment, mental health, and dual diagnosis treatment centers, ensuring streamlined and timely billing processes.

We conduct a thorough eligibility check to verify your patient's insurance coverage, scrutinizing details such as the policyholder's information, policy effective and term dates, copay or co-insurance requirements, deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums, pre-authorization prerequisites, and out-of-network coverage.

Our proficient team engages with insurance providers to ensure accurate and efficient completion of any prior authorization requirements.

Following the verification of insurance coverage, Reveloop updates the billing system with pertinent details, encompassing the start and end dates of the client's insurance plan, their member ID, group ID, copay information, and other critical data.
